Block Chain and Cyber Security

Noesis Books

Blockchain concept is a new organizing paradigm for the discovery, valuation, and transfer of all quanta of anything, and potentially for the coordination of all human activity at a much larger scale than has been possible before. The new revolution started with a new fringe economy on the Internet, an alternative currency called Bitcoin that was issued and backed by automated consensus among networked users. Bitcoin is digital cash that is transacted via the Internet in a decentralized trustless system using a public ledger called the blockchain. Bitcoin and blockchain technology, as a mode of decentralization, could be the next major disruptive technology and worldwide computing paradigm following the mainframe, PC, Internet, and social networking/mobile phones.


Book Information:

Copyright Year 2023
Pages 146
ISBN 9788196321642
Print Price ₹150
Author: Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo

About the author:

Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo, Principal & Research Supervisor, Postgraduate and Research Department of Computer Science at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, one of the premier institutions in Chennai. He has around Thirty one years of Postgraduate teaching experience in Computer Science, which includes Nine years of administrative experience as Head and two years, nine months as Registrar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli and 15 years of Research Experience. He published more than 200+ papers in Journal/ Conference and produced Forty Ph.D. Scholars in the field of Computer Science.


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