Python Programming

Noesis Books

Python is a popular general-purpose programming language. Python makes its presence in every emerging field. It’s the fastest growing programming language and can be used to develop any application. It is used in machine learning, web applications, desktop GUI applications, Scientific & numeric applications, audio or video-based applications, 3D CAD, image processing applications and many other areas. Fortunately for beginners, Python has a simple, easy-to-use syntax. This makes Python a great language for beginners to learn.

This book is the perfect guide for anyone wanting to start their Python developer journey. This book covers all basic Python concepts. Finally, you can familiarize yourself with creating projects in Python.


Book Information:

Copyright Year 2023
Pages 152
ISBN 9788196321628
Print Price ₹100
Author: Dr. K.B. Priya Iyer

About the author:

Dr. K B Priya Iyer is currently working as an Associate Professor & Head, B.Sc. Data Science, Department of Information Technology, M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous), Chennai. She has 20 years of Teaching and Research experience. She chaired the sessions and served as member of advisory board in International and National Conferences. She published 3 patents. She served as reviewer in journals such as IEEE, Taylor and Francis, Inderscience etc. She published nearly 35 research papers at International/National Journals/ Conferences including Inderscience/Indexed in IEEE xplore, Scopus/Web of Science Journals.


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