Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Noesis Books

From this book one can extract knowledge on basic transformation, algorithms, 2D & 3D representation, Multimedia designs and Hypermedia.

The chapters cover:

  • Introduction on graphics, vari­ous applications of graphics, display devices and output primitives which handles inputs and outputs
  • Transformation especially for 2ds, 3ds and others where projection is formulated under display techniques
  • Representation of various algorithms and ethics of two dimensions and three dimensions
  • Multimedia designs and applications of various tech­nologies, objects, databases and data interfaces
  • Hypermedia which involves in user interface, messaging, components, integrated documents and distributed multimedia systems.


Book Information:

Copyright Year 2023
Pages 76
ISBN 9788196321635
Print Price ₹100
Author: Dr. K. AngayarkkaniDr. S. Karunya

About the author:

Dr. K. Angayarkkani has 26 years of teaching experience. Currently she is the head of the department of PG Department of Computer Applications (M.Sc IT, BCA) in Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College. She has published 6 research papers and awarded as Best Super Senior faculty by both National and International Institutions. She has 2 patents.

Dr. S. Karunya has 6 years of teaching experience and 3 years of industrial experience. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in PG Department of Computer Applications (M.Sc IT, BCA) in Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College. She was recognized as Best Faculty in both National and International institutions.


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